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Strathlachlan School
In 1901 Peter Campbell arrived to teach at Strathlachlan School. The post was vacant due to the death of Archibald Crawford who had been Head Teacher for 46 years. Peter Campbell had trained at the Free Church College in Aberdeen and came to the school with glowing testimonials (copies held by SDLHS) The roll was 6 boys and 8 girls.
Peter Campbell’s last day at Strathlachlan was 2nd May 1902 as the School Board had approved his transfer to Strachur School with a salary of £100 per annum and a free house and garden. On 5th May that year, Jessie E. Munro arrived to teach. She resigned in1904 and her successor was Daniel McArthur who received a free house and a salary of £70.
In 1906 the Board has cause to ask the Headmaster at that point to sign a pledge of total abstinence and although he agree the Board were once again advertising the post in October 1906. The Board requested “…a gaelic speaking Male Teacher for Strathlachlan Public school. Salary £85 per annum (including industrial work) with free House and Garden…”
The present School building which is now Strathlachlan Hall was built in 1916 by Messrs Muir Bros., Dunblane. Bella Douglas reported the School was smaller than the original. Pupils at that time often walked more than two miles to school barefoot in summer, and in winter each child brought a lump of coal, wood, or peat to help keep the fire burning. John MacLachlan, the 23rd Chief, during his lifetime provided Cocoa, sugar, and milk for all the children. The school closed in1974 with pupils transferring to Strachur Primary School.
Argyll and Bute Archives:-
Strathlachlan Public School Log Books, Minute Book of Strachur and Strathlachlan School Board
SDLHS research. A History of Strachur and District by Isabella Cameron Douglas.